深田晃司 Koji Fukada

Director Koji Fukada ©2017 maplepress.ca

深田晃司監督   Director Koji Fukada







Harmonium (淵に立つ)

『家族』のあり方がハンマーで叩かれたようなドラマ作品 カンヌ映画祭の初ノミネートでいきなり『ある視点部門』審査員賞を受賞した新鋭・深田晃司監督。小さな金属加工工場を営み平穏な毎日を送っていた鈴岡家に、ある日夫の知人で前科のある八坂(浅野忠信)が現れる。礼儀正しく好かれはじめていた彼だったが突然残酷な傷あとを残して姿を消してしまう。8年後、新しく入ってきた青年から八坂の消息がつかめそうになると夫婦に新たな葛藤が訪れる。これまでになかった衝撃の家族ドラマ。

Director Koji Fukada ©2017 maplepress.ca

Movie Just As Life  

A person’s life can not be predicted and there is no end until the real end. However, we are accustomed to movies that can be predicted and completed. Japan’s director Koji Fukada, who won the last year’s “Un Certain Regard: Jury Prize” in Cannes, reminds us so. Here in IFFR, he was spotted being interviewed by local reporters. Surprisingly he quickly said, “Of course” to our interview request.  Despite being invited at many other film festivals around the world, he has always been committed to his earlier schedules. He looks very busy after Cannes, but says “No, nothing has been changed.”  The word “simple” suits him well.

Like quality art paintings, Fukada films leave something afterwards. It could be a particular movie scene or an actor’s face, but never the music.  “Music is a very powerful tool, so I am cautious about using it,” says the director.  He avoids forcing the music’s own image to the audience.  “If the audience listens to certain music and runs into one particular feeling, there is a danger that my intention will be destroyed.”  “Rather…” he continues, “The relationship between the camera and the subject is more important for me.”

Leave it to the audience’s imagination  

“I am aiming to make a movie with 100 different interpretations if there were 100 people watching it,” the director says.  He pays attention to the movie’s nature of propaganda, since it can move a group of people. He does not make a scenario according to images and tries to avoid the audience assimilating with the protagonists emotionally.  Instead, he creates unusual main characters such as a cheating Japanese wife or an unconscious handicapped girl.  These are not the typical Japanese family images often perceived in the world.  He trusts the imagination of the viewers without defining emotions and messages.

The movie “Harmonium” betrays our predictions and shakes us emotionally.  Although the protagonist Yasaka disappears at one point, his presence dominates throughout the whole picture.  According to the director, Yasaka represents the “violence” itself. The violence is invisible to us but can appear all of a sudden when least expected. In a sense, Fukada cinema is very philosophical.

The first screening was a full house. The director prepared a brand-new, extra short film “Birds (Beta)” for the Rotterdam audience. There was a big applause when it was over.  To the question ”Why did you not enter this in the short competition?,” he answered “I am already pleased to see my iPhone work on this IMAX screen,” and made everyone laugh.  The way he answers to each question sincerely with respect of his interpreter, you can tell he is a serious and well-balanced director.  “I want to make more films to open the audience’s imagination” he smiled.  We really hope to see his next movie soon.

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